Bonneli is acting as your commercialization partner in joint risk and profit sharing – at no cost for you. In each case we make sure to build a team with experienced persons from business, licensing, technical and legal matters. The clients only pay a Success Fee if they earn money from the deal. The reward structure gives the patent holder a high confidence in our commitment and lowers the treshhold to take help from us.
You may retain ownership of your patents or we find other solutions but the important is that we have the same goal. With this structure you can still focus on your core business while Bonneli manages the licensing program.
Unlike most other consultancy firm we are not charging a fee per hour and thereby are very discerning in choosing our partners. Once we have entered into a partnership your licensing program is our priority and we are both eager to start generate cash flow.
- Joint risk and profit sharing.
- You may retain focus on your core business while Bonneli are focusing on securing IP licenses.
- One partner consisting of a team with experience from Business, Licensing, Technical and Legal matters.
- Extensive IP licensing and client service experience.
- Patent and legal expertise from licensing products, know-how or technology.
- Bonneli manage technical and market research, contacts, negotiations, license agreements, invoicing, IP-audits, the coordination of ongoing details and regular reporting to you.
By applying this partnership model, you take limited or no risks and have only a potential upside.
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